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The power of nature that heals!

Slim Crystal is one of the so-called purifying water bottles, which, through crystals stored inside, help to ionize the mineral charge in the drink. According to the manufacturer’s assessment, they help to lose weight and improve health.


“One Simple Way To Maintain Your Perfect Body!”


Water, together with the power of nature, is the main component of lymph, a transparent liquid from the lymphatic system that helps filter and remove excess liquids and impurities from the body through urine, in addition to transporting white blood cells throughout the body, helping to strengthen the immune system.
Furthermore, water is important for maintaining the functions of the heart, intestine, brain, muscles and skin, helping to control body temperature, avoid constipation, prevent kidney stones and maintain skin hydration.


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2 Bottles +
(Free Shipping)

*You can only buy it from the official website.

*Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.

Converts hard water into living water with a softer pH through mineral ionization.
Contains quartz, amethyst, moonstone, citrine, carnelian, sodalite, red agate and jasper, and green aventurine.
Easy to use, just fill the bottle and let the minerals act.
According to the official evaluation, it significantly improves digestion and allows the body to reactivate.
In the absence of solid studies, this product follows the theory that ionized water has antioxidant properties.
Furthermore, and also based on the report on the official website, this type of water helps you lose weight.
Unlike the FLPSDE bottle it can only contain liquids, not solids.
On the other hand, ionized water is advisable in soft diets, always under the supervision of a specialist.

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